Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Proven Way to Quit Smoking

This article is dedicated to those who decided to quit smoking once and for all, and now are looking for ways to stop smoking. Here is the original program, that will show you how, following a few steps, you can forget this bad habit and abandon the cigarette. First of all you need motivation. When you stop smoking it is important to know the reason why it has to be done. In this case the result is not a goal. The reason to change your life can be care about the health of your future children, your family, and other people you love, because they become passive smokers, winning the heart of a person that does not approve smoking is a good reason too. You can find thousands of motives to stop smoking. But don't make a test of your will-power a reason of struggle for the health - that usually leads a person to the beginning of the way. This makes your next try twice harder. Next step is to put away all things that remind you about smoking. Hide as far as you can or better get rid of all the ashtrays, lighters, smoking boss... (joking). Don't feel sorry for all this stuff, if you are about to quit smoking they won't be necessary anymore. If there are some things that are really precious to you, presents or something else, give them to your friends for storage. And take them back only when you will be ready for that. People who stopped smoking recommend such a trick as a last cigarette. Before smoking this symbol of new life, you should rinse your mouth with 0,1% solution of silver. The connection of smoke and silver will give detasteble feeling, and this will protect you from nostalgic mood about the last smoked cigarette. Smoking is mainly a psychological dependence. As soon as you quit smoking a plenty of free time will be at your service. Finally free from the cigarette your hands will not know what to do, so, to prevent the return of old habit you should find them another business. Try a hand trainer, beads of cell phone games. By the way, British scientists found out that the popularity of cell phone games has decreased the quantity of smokers. Researches showed that the game is a way to fight the stress; it is more effective and does no harm to health. Not only your hands, but also your mouth will have to find a new occupation, when the cigarette is gone. Make a store of gums, even tobacco replacing once. However, a better idea is to use natural (herbal) smoking cessation products like Nicocure. People that stopped smoking always mention that during first months they felt bad: dizziness, vomiting and total weakness are natural parts of the nicotine withdrawal process. These are the signs of recovery. These symptoms will disappear with the first smoked cigarette, so as the chances to be free from bad habit. Do not give up! Use any kinds of products for people who quit smoking: nicotine or - better - natural plasters, pills, gums, patches, anything, just don't smoke! So, you've made it, several days without a smoke, but smokers around remind you about the old desire. It is no use to tell how to fight the temptation, the best way is to avoid it. People, who had passed this way to the end often tell that situations, usually accompanied by smoking, such as stress, parties with smoking friends, were the hardest to cope with. Many people had never passed this barrier. Psychologists explain this as a stereotype of behavior, which stays in the memory of a smoker. In order to fight it link up your imagination. Can you see yourself as a nonsmoking person between smoking friends? Now attune yourself. Change your memories, replace a picture of you smoker on you healthy person. Use the ability to control your desires and emotions given to humans. In conclusion, I'll remind you what I've mentioned earlier, it is all about reasons and goals. If you stopped smoking and you don't want to go back, remember that the desirable goal is reached, now you receive from life much more then you had before. Be glad, be happy, using your new abilities, and this emotions will help you to keep on going as far as possible from old bad habit.

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