Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Fly-Fishing Gears

Fly-fishing has been around for hundreds of years. In medieval times, anglers, naturally, fished for food, however as intensive methods increased the readiness and availability of fish to the masses; it then evolved more as a form of sport and leisure. Over the years it has grown to become a real test of skills. A warning though - it can become addictive, in a good way, of course.
Fly-fishing is distinctly different from regular fishing. With plain fishing, you use lures and often live bait to bring fish to your line and hook them. When you are fly-fishing, you use a fly that resembles a real insect that the fish feed on naturally. The line is longer and you imitate the movement of the fly or insect on top of the water so that the fish thinks they are biting at a real insect.
Casting is constant in fly-fishing. You put the fly out in the water and then draw it back several times. This makes the fish thinks the fly is landing on the water and then taking off again. Compare this with regular fishing, whereby you cast your line letting it rest until the fish bites making the bobber sink into the water.
You can catch some immense fish using either method, but when you are fly-fishing; you have the opportunity to "battle" the fish for survival. This can be extremely rewarding as 'man' battles nature for the top position.
So what are the flies made from? Well, they are made out of natural materials in fly-fishing. Regular fishing uses man-made materials such as latex and plastic. Most fervent fly fishermen will tell you that the fish are much more attracted to a natural lure rather than a man-made one. This, they say, makes fly-fishing an incredibly fulfilling sport.
You can fish just about anywhere - a local pond, a lake, or even a reservoir. Wherever you choose to go fly-fishing, you will want to ensure that there are lot of fish. This may entail travelling to rivers and streams where fish like trout and walleye are known to inhabit. The challenge in fly-fishing lies in making the fly look real to the fish below water.
Fly-fishing is a great excuse to take some awesome holidays in remote places like Alaska and Canada. Mexico, South America, and even Russia would make for fabulous destinations, too. Turn you newly found addiction into a great adventure - beats fishing at your local lake or pond anytime.
Many passionate fly fishermen consider fly-fishing to be a real sport of kings. By taking skill, finesse, and masses of patience you will become good at fly-fishing. Thousands of anglers couldn't agree more. Once you've been fly fishing, you'll be clamouring for more!

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