Tuesday, September 4, 2007

How to prevent Teen Drug Use

CWhile there are many issues with teenagers that strike fear in the heart of a parent, teen drug use is the prime one. But you can’t let your fear force you to ignore drug concerns in your child’s life. Each and every teenager knows someone in school who experiments or uses drugs. Every teen has seen it on television or in the newspapers. To bring up a drug-free teenager you’ll need to put your fear aside and empower your teenager with all the positive aspects of life to meet this issue head on.

Few things parents should know about preventing teen drug use:

· Be there for your teen when he needs to get out of a bad situation.
· Get to know your teen’s friends and their parents on a first name basis.
· Keep connected in the after school hours.
· Be a role model.
· Unite your family against drugs using strong family beliefs.
Signs of Teens drugs use:

loss of interest in family activities and disrespecting family rules
defiant of authority
poor work performance
negative, argumentative, paranoid or confused, destructive, anxious
overly tired or hyperactive
drastic weight loss or gain
reduced memory and attention span

Though some of these warning signs of drug abuse may be present in your teen, but it does not mean that they are definitely using drugs. There could be causes for some of these behaviors. Even the life stage of adolescence is a valid reason for many of them to exist. On the other side of that, do not ignore the warning signs of teenage drug abuse.

hantix (Champix) is a new drug by world famous Pfizer pharmaceuticals, which has recently been approved for Smoking cessation. (Varenicline) enables smokers to see the light at the end of the tunnel, where they can live a healthy life sans smoking. Smoking is one habit difficult to kick; leaving no escape route for a smoker once he becomes nicotine dependent.
Smoking cessation therapies are more likely to succeed for patients who are motivated to stop smoking and who are provided with additional advice and support.
Chantix (Champix) is for oral use. The recommended dose is 1 mg Chantix (Champix/varenicline) twice daily.
Chantix (Champix) provides a unique and new treatment that was specifically designed to help people stop smoking,” said Dr. Michael Berelowitz, Pfizer Worldwide Medical. “Most smokers do not continue to smoke out of choice, but because they are addicted to nicotine in tobacco. Prior research has shown that the combination of behavior counseling and drug therapy is often more effective and cost-effective as health interventions than attempting to quit unaided. To meet these needs Pfizer will go beyond offering a new treatment by also providing customized behavioral support through a program designed to help smokers in the quit process.”
Buy Chantix Champix in USA, Uk and Europe Online
In May, 2006, it was approved for sale in the United States. On August 1, 2006, Pfizer announced that Chantix was available for sale in the United States, and on September 29, 2006, it was approved for sale in the European Union with the trade name http://www.foreign-pharmacies.info"> Champix.

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